Simple follow steps to repro the issue:
Navigate to the discrepant Purchase order: AAB103566 as shown in the below image
Please note: the reported Purchase order created with the standard steps from Purchase requisition and converted this in to Purchase order.
Find the below screen shot for references.
PO AAB103566 lines are linked with the Project ID’s 4665 & 4772 as shown below.
Since the PO lines are linked with Project ID, based on the Project parameter setup system created the item requirement for the project PO item.
Now business wants to cancel the posted GRN in PO: AAB103566, but unable to complete the process.
Please find the below screen shots for your reference and understanding.
Now go to the “Receive” action tab and click on product receipt to access the posted GRN.
Now select the required Product receipt and click on “Cancel” to reproduce the issue.
Please find the below results: